Customize Your Entire Site

Customizable background color and image, padding options, top bar and info settings, sticky header, social icons, custom style and more!
With Magee Shortcodes, users can create accordions, buttons, boxes, social and much more. Take control over styling and layout, customize website.
Homepage Sections
With shortcode, users can divide the page into several sections.
Footer widgets, 1-4 footer columns, background image for footer, background repeat and position settings.
Add different link types into menu, customize menu items by controlling menu width, height, border-size of menu highlight bar and so on.
A slide-show added into a webpage. Available autoplay, customizable caption, text and button.
Widgets can be easily dragged and dropped into a specific widget area. Over 10 custom custom widgets available.
Copyright Area
Copyright bar displayed with custom text and html markup. Top and bottom padding are also customizable.