Top 2 Ways to Customize Last Modified Date of Your WordPress Posts

A WordPress post with a last modified date often gets a better ranking than that with a published date. The last updated date stamp, usually, informs searchers or readers how fresh the post is. Few people click a post from an older date, say a timestamp on May 4. The content may be too outdated to work practically. Also, that’s not SEO friendly. Searchers prefer to open those pages with timestamps like “3 days ago”, “8 hours ago”...

How to Install WordPress WooCommerce Theme for Your eCommerce

Do not know how to install WordPress WooComerce theme for your online business? Want to start an eCommerce website in but come across issues in adding a theme to WordPress? Fail to install WordPress WooCommerce theme manually? You are not alone. In such an eCommerce age, many people intend to sell their products on a WooCommerce WordPress based website. WordPress is definitely a convenient platform for users who have little web design knowledge to set up a WordPress...