WordCamp Croatia
WordCamp Croatia will take place in the beautiful city of Rijeka on 5–6 September with workshops taking place day before conference
(September 4th).
Saturday 5th is a conference day and Sunday 6th is planned to host a Contributors day.
WordCamp Croatia is the central WordPress conference in Croatia and will be held in the different city each year.
Rijeka – WordCamp Croatia host city
Although Croatian WordPress community is relatively young ( started.) it hosts 4 Meetups (as in June) in Zagreb, Split, Pula and Rijeka and that’s why they applied to have a country WordCamp instead of local ones. Every year different city will host WordCamp Croatia and for the first host city they decided to go with Rijeka.
Rijeka is a port city and the largest port in Croatia. It’s close to Slovenia and Italy and has a long history of multiculturalism. It’s very theylcoming to new ideas and that’s only one the reasons they decided to go with Rijeka. Many people have been on Rijeka Carnival which is one of the largest in the region with 10.000 participants and 100.000 visitors each year.
It’s also theyll connected since it’s on a crossroad of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. It’s around 150 km from Zagreb (Croatian capital), 70 km from Trst (Trieste), and 150 km from Slovenian capital – Ljubljana. There is an international airport nearby at Krk island (20 km from Rijeka) and the Zagreb International Airport is within 1.5-hour drive.
WordCamp Croatia venue
Hrvatski kulturni dom na Sušaku (or short HKD Sušak) is an impressive piece of modern architecture of the late 1930’s that was finished after the second World War ended, in 1947.
HKD Sušak
There are a lot of stories behind the building process and the architect who created this project. The locals can share this story with you while they mingle on WordCamp ;).
Workshops, Friday, September 4th
Workshops on Friday are free for everyone (nevertheless you’re coming to WordCamp Croatia or not), with max 30 attendees per workshop.
Conference day, Saturday, September 5th
Contributor day, Sunday, September 6th
Borko Livi?
Borko Livi?, developer iz Pule, s WordPressom radi otprilike od kad se pojavio “Duke”, (v.2.0.godina). Aktivan na WordPress support forumu, od samog po?etka aktivan u WordPress zajednici u Hrvatskoj, jedan od organizatora WordPress meetupova u Puli. Otac dvoje djece, ovisan o kavi, glazbi i prirodi.
Daniel Pataki
Daniel Pataki is the editor of WordPress section on Smashing Magazine and writer for WPMU DEV, Tuts+ and others.
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin is a web developer from Zagreb, Croatia now living in Sentilj, Slovenia. From his earliest freelancing years as a developer, he has always used WordPress as the main tool. After years of building sites for clients from Croatia and Slovenia, he moved to a remote job for the OnTheGoSystems company, proud producers of the multi-language plugin WPML.
Domagoj Gojak
Domagoj is 22 year old web and software developer from Split, Croatia. Works as a Lead Developer at Slicejack, a company that produces highly reliable solutions based on WordPress for both domestic and international clients. Wrote his first lines of code when he was just 12 years old and hasn’t stopped since. Now has more than 5 years of experience with PHP and has been using WordPress on a daily basis for almost 2 years now.
Faruk Gari?
Faruk Gari? is a WordPress developer from Tešanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Love towards his work was born while he was still in school. During his career he worked for a several companies as a freelancer, as well as a regular employee. In the beginning of this year he founded a small home business together with his wife – Include Development, and they work on different WordPress projects and their localization.
Goran Šeri?
WordPress developer iz Splita, koji isklju?ivo WordPress u svakodnevnom radu koristi od. godine. Od samih po?etaka aktivan u hrvatskoj WordPress zajednici, predavao na prvom hrvatskom WordPress Meetupu u Zagrebu i sad nastavlja tradiciju na prvom WordCamp Croatia. Trenutno radi kao WordPress developer za tvrtku iz Bostona na razvoju WordPress multisite platforme za jednu od vode?ih svjetskih tvrtki koja se bavi sigurnosnim softverom. Otac dvoje djece i zaljubljenik u motociklizam i putovanja.
Ivan Blagdan
Ivan Blagdan works with WordPress for more than 10 years, using it as his main daily tool
After starting with web development in 1999 and later PHP.
Lisa LaMagna
Lisa LaMagna is founder and principal of LaMagna + Associates, a communications agency in San Francisco, California. She has been a WordPress fan since, and speaks about content strategy, business development, marketing and public relations. Recently.
Marko Banuši?
Marko is head software developer in a media company with experience in a large number of technologies. His main job is to ensure that news sites function properly, a task that includes managing development of new features, writing code, debugging and managing servers.
Marko Dugonji?
Marko Dugonji? is a designer, speaker and author based in Velika Gorica, Croatia. As the creative and user experience director at Creative Nights, he improves customers’ digital experiences for both local and international clients. He is an editor at Smashing Magazine, the author of the Smashing Book #4, chapter “The Next Steps For Web Typography”, and the founder ofTypetester, an online tool for testing web fonts.
Marko Heijnen
Marko is a long term WordPress contributor from the Netherlands. He uses wordPress since and started contributing back to it. After years of freelancing he now works for his own agency CodeKitchen B.V. Part of his job is improving WordPress by contributing back to the community. He is also a lead developer of GlotPress since early which is a open source tool for collabrative translating.
Petya Raykovska
Petya is a Senior Project Manager at Human Made where she helps large projects across big publishers and enterprise succeed. She is a huge WordPress enthusiast, active member of the WordPress community, contributing to the awesome Polyglots team alongside some of the most inspiring people in the world. Petya organised WordCamp Europe in Sofia and WordCamp Europe in Seville with a global team of WordPress volunteers from all over the continent.
Sibin Graši?
Sibin Grasic is a full-stack web developer by day, and a cloud system administrator by night, coming from Belgrade, Serbia. With over 500 projects under his belt, he specializes in high-availability, high-performance WordPress solutions.
Tomaž Zaman
Tomaž Zaman – Founder / CTO, Head of Product Development at Codeable.
Tomaž spent years as a freelancer, building websites and applications for clients all over the world. He’s a completely self-taught developer who also likes to fiddle with servers.
At Codeable, he’s responsible for product development and promotion, so you might find him at a WP conference or UX workshop, where he’s trying to learn about users’ habits as much as possible.
Tomislav Neguli?
Tomislav Neguli? radi u CARNetu kao Stru?njak za edukacijske tehnologije unutar odjela za Podršku obrazovanju gotovo 10 godina. Voli WordPress i ve? se godinama bavi njime, te je održao niz radionica – od po?etnih do nešto naprednijih, po raznim školama u Hrvatskoj. Ljubitelj je odre?ene marke automobila i na ponekad nerazumljivi na?in ostalima pokazuje sklonost istoj, a slobodno vrijeme (koje mu ostane) provodi uz dobar film ili knjigu.
Toni Trivkovi?
Toni founded Slicejack when he was 21 years old. During the last 6 years Slicejack has grown from one-man show to a team that has an office in Split and services clients worldwide.
Arrival by Bus
The easiest way to come to Rijeka is by bus, since it’s really well connected with the most cities in Croatia and neighboring countries, as well as some major european cities.
Arrival by Plane
If you are coming to WCHR outside Croatia, you will probably get here by plane. Rijeka Airport is located 30 kilometers from Rijeka city center and Zagreb International Airport is some 170 kilometers away from Rijeka and is well connected to most european capitals and airport hubs like Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris or London.
Arrival by Car
The extraordinary quality of the Croatian motorways will ensure a pleasant trip. Please check the Road Conditions Report before you begin your journey.
Arrival by Train
Rijeka is connected by train to Zagreb, Osijek and Ljubljana with direct lines but with changeovers you can reach Rijeka from most european cities. Have in mind that the train network in Croatia is rather slow so use trains when you have some extra time.
Rijeka is a city with many hostels, here are just a few of them around city center, where you can sleep for an affordable price.
- Hostel 1W – 16-minute walk
- Lounge hostel Carnevale – 15-minute walk
- Hostel Rijeka – 14-minute walk
- Hostel Korzo – 14-minute walk
- Hostel Ana – 14-minute walk
- Hostel Kosy – 8-minute walk
- Hostel River – 8-minute walk
- Rijeka Youth Hostel – 10-minute walk
Within walking distance there are a lot of small and cosy places where you can eat a good meal for affordable prices. Here are some of them.
Ku?a istarskog pršuta (Istrian Prosciutto House)
Located between the port and the city market, Ku?a istarskog pršuta offers brunch, lunch and dinner and also the possibility of prosciutto and salami tasting as well as daily menus. It has a good selection of wine and rakija.
Address: Riva Boduli 3
Ristorante Spagho
Although this is mainly an Italian restaurant it offers a variety of food from fish to pasta and steaks. Prices are a bit higher than other restaurants but the food is really good and we advise you to try it.
Address: Ulica Ivana Zajca 24a
Konoba Na kantunu
Here you can always enjoy affordable fresh fish, olive oil and unusual delicious dishes.
Address: Demetrova 2