How to Monitor Your WordPress Site Easily to Minimize Downtime

Jetpack is powerful plugin that from WordPress.Com. It can supercharge your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of It comes with 33 features including Monitor: “Jetpack Monitor will keep tabs on your site, and alert you the moment that downtime is detected.”
Monitor will check your site regularly to make sure it is running normally; if not, then it will notify you with an email saying your site is down (your will keep noticed if your site is not up after an hour).

Step 1. Install the plugin
As this plugin is free, you can directly search this plugin in your plugin page when you are logged in to your dashboard. In the Plugins>Add new, and then search Jetpack, hit Install. After the installing is done, hit Active the plugin. After that, you will be asked to connect your site to, just do following the steps that come after. If you have a WordPress.Com accout, you can finish the connection with a one click; if not, you need to register an account on WordPress.comOnce your site is linked to, you’ll be able to activate Jetpacks modules. After that, you will be lead to the Settings page to active the plugin. In fact, 19 modules have been activated automatically. In the Settings page, you can deactivate anyone you do not need, and configure the plugins that are activated already.
Step 2 – Activate And Configure Monitor
You need to activate Monitor module manually as it is not among the ones that are automatically activated. A message will come up once the Monitor is activated. Now, hit Configure to make sure the notification to be sent to your email.